The moaning of the Vosges Ghost had been heard five minutes before off to the west, where it crossed the front lines.
People attending the concerts could hear 50 minutes of brand new music during the first half of the shows.
We have heard 47 minutes of the most extraordinary self-congratulation and complacency that can have ever been heard.
I hear 60 minutes a day, I hear 30 minutes a day; how much exercise do people over 50 really need?
Maroncek heard about the sighting less than ten minutes later.
About 700 supporters of the five young men heard 12 minutes of excerpts from the tape last night at a meeting in a Harlem public school.
A satellite-watching station on an island named Kalua was the first to receive them, though nobody heard the first four or five minutes.
If you hear more than 30 minutes, you start worrying and consider alternate routes.
It was common to hear 30 minutes of talk and 30 minutes of music per hour.
Their eyes will strain to see the small print that closes each episode, identifying fragments of background music heard 30 or 40 minutes previously.