Unlike many campus stations, Coyote Radio is heard 24 hours a day.
The Court heard two hours of argument today in parental notification cases from Ohio and Minnesota.
The board will hear five hours of testimony from each side before deciding by Aug.
Usually these are recordings that are revised as needed and that can be heard 24 hours a day.
"Mr. Belasko," he said, "according to the hotel guests on your floor, the first shots were heard between 2315 and 2320 hours last night."
A committee of students, faculty members and administrators reviewing the incident heard 10 hours of testimony Friday.
Chilcot says he heard six hours of evidence from Blair last year.
In June, Judge Doty heard more than four hours of argument from lawyers representing each side.
Justice Ciparick heard three hours of arguments and said she would reserve judgment.
In between, the jury heard almost 40 witnesses and eight hours of taped conversations that were played as evidence.