Julie Mennella, who studies breast-feeding women, designed the study with me after hearing anecdotes from breast-feeding women suggesting that their ovarian cycles were affected by this.
I wanted to hear what the tech experts in this forum had to say: I'd love to hear your tips and anecdotes about using technology on your travels.
The medical establishment is just starting to catch up with this, but I hear anecdotes from parents all the time.
Jenner did his surgical apprenticeship in the English countryside, where he heard anecdotes about milkmaids who had cowpox blisters on their hands and never caught smallpox.
I've also heard countless anecdotes where our sponsorship has been mentioned in job interviews as a reason for joining Deloitte.
Heard any good anecdotes about Canadian actors lately?
One hears anecdotes of the rise of its servants, as of the functionaries of the India House.
A. I hear enough anecdotes that suggest that some young people getting out of high school read at very low levels.
As your horse clip-clops down streets during the hourlong rides, you'll learn local history, and hear anecdotes about old families and homes, and ghost stories.
Puzo's most famous work, The Godfather, was first published in 1969 after he had heard anecdotes about Mafia organizations during his time in pulp journalism.