They'd both gone into the army straight from high school; four years later Barry'd come out with a healthy regard for self-preservation.
Though they are both highly competitive, they maintain a healthy regard for each other and have had virtually no source of personal animosity.
The only sentiment Stalin had in him was a healthy regard for his own aggrandizement and that of the Soviet Union.
If executed with a healthy regard for Russian sensibilities, it can sap Serbian strength and speed the way to a political settlement.
I doubt that my brother had a very healthy regard for the boys in blue, given his track record.
I think they show a healthy regard for the prerogatives of the legislative branch that is appropriate.
What I do know is that I have a healthy regard for my own skin.
They had tremendously high standards of clarity and a healthy regard for good reasons.
They remained not-quite-friends, each with a healthy regard for the other's competence.
All it would require is a healthy regard for robust journalism, government accountability and an informed citizenry.