Over time, even normal, healthy joints deteriorate, but you can minimize the effects by following 10 basic steps.
These tips can help you have healthier joints even with RA now - and for years to come.
This triggers an immune response against healthy joints and tissue.
Are there any specific foods to support healthy joints?
This firm, rubbery material cushions the ends of the bones and reduces friction in healthy joints.
BootsWebMD.com has articles and slide shows to help you maintain healthy joints.
It has been reported that glucosamine may be involved in the production of cartilage that is important for healthy joints.
The combination of chondroitin and glucosamine is widely used to aid in maintaining healthy joints.
Get the facts about the most common arthritis fictions, and learn what you can do to keep your joints happy and healthy for years to come.
What causes them to target healthy joints and tissue is unknown.