The agency's mission is to protect, sustain, and improve a clean and healthful environment to benefit present and future generations.
A doctor advised him to find a more healthful environment, so he and his cousin, Wiley B. White, immigrated to Texas, then a part of Mexico.
Howard hoped that the communities "would offer economic and social advances of the city combined with the tranquility, healthful environment, and closeness to nature" of suburb life.
I do not consider Havenor to be the most healthful environment, Mr. Veswees.
In its original advertising, it boasted of the neighborhood's "healthful environment," saying the altitude of 300 feet "insures a salubrious climate and cool nights."
For an officer, it brings obedient subjects and healthful environments.
Article 11, Environment, grants each person the "right to a healthful environment."
It sets this as public policy and the duty of individuals to ensure a healthful environment be maintained.
Breathe Free: In January 2009, the university became tobacco-free, providing a safe and healthful environment for work and study for students, employees and visitors.