Gourmets, on the other hand, have begun waving scientific studies citing healthful benefits of red wine, cheese and foie gras.
Polydextrose is a form of soluble fiber and has shown healthful prebiotic benefits when tested in animals.
Ogokbap continues to be enjoyed by Koreans for its nutritious and healthful benefits.
Cass explained: "It's something that we've talked about - how far can these healthful benefits go?
According to the most recent research, more than 19 million Americans are now playing tennis and enjoying the healthful benefits the sport offers.
Recently, the fruit of the açaí palm Euterpe has been used for its reputed healthful benefits.
Today it emphasizes the healthful benefits of a spa that specializes in salt-water therapies.
Investigations into healthful benefits of phytochemicals follow exactly the same principles of pharmacokinetics that are required to study drug therapy.
For purely healthful benefits, just let the leaves steep for 10 minutes or longer.
What's more, childbirth and breastfeeding confer a few healthful benefits of their own.