He began marketing Fazoli's as a more healthful alternative to the traditional fast-food menu of burgers and fried foods.
"Americans are turning in increasing numbers to bottled water as a healthful alternative to tap water," Dr. McGuire wrote.
The cafe's vending machines are the next area to be improved: healthful alternatives to the current snacks, soft drinks and juices.
And why, after Mirabelle made its reputation with traditional French food with rich ingredients and sauces, is it adding healthful alternatives?
The lobster came in a light Oriental-style black bean sauce, a healthful alternative to melted butter.
As the article points out, there are healthful alternatives.
Despite the vehemence of Mr. Sokolof's ad, he acknowledged in an interview yesterday that the companies are making progress in providing healthful alternatives.
Ms. Phillips-Merriman offers her clients inexpensive, available, healthful alternatives.
Silverton was promoted as a healthful and economical alternative to life in the city.
There are some less healthful foods that are cheaper than more healthful alternatives.