This healthcare infrastructure with over 33,30,000 ft2 of built-up area spread over 125 acres of land supports a daily patient volume of about 1400 outpatients.
Some extremely wealthy Russian businessmen were to provide large sums of money which were to be spent on improving Russia's healthcare infrastructure.
Under his leadership, Malleshwaram is witnessing massive transformation in several sectors including healthcare, welfare, education, sports, infrastructure and several others.
Washington DC-In order to examine the impact of a bio-terrorism attack on the healthcare infrastructure and the subsequent impact on national and homeland security, Congressman...
Paying for Europe's healthcare infrastructure in a recession.
Because of the lack of healthcare infrastructure in refugee-dense areas, women often give birth without any trained medical staff present.
Jordan also has a higher quality of life compared to other countries in the region with high literacy rates, excellent healthcare infrastructure, and a relatively liberal social and economic environment.
By the end of this century, global Muslim population had grown to almost one-fifth (20%) of the total driven by improved healthcare infrastructure.
Through m-health initiatives, people in rural areas lacking in healthcare infrastructure can receive medical support.
Basic healthcare infrastructure needs stable, long-term financial support if the health-related MDGs are to be delivered.