Arthritis hurts individuals, families, and the economy by costing more than $4 billion annually in healthcare expenses and lost work days.
However, at the end, he publicly acknowledged that he was wrong, and that his recent healthcare expenses dwarfed the taxes he had paid.
He transformed the IRS into an organisation that not only collects but also redistributes funds, e.g. for healthcare expenses, rent support and child benefits.
A benefit held to raise money for his healthcare expenses was scheduled too late.
Health insurance - A form of group insurance, where individuals pay premiums or taxes in order to help protect themselves from high or unexpected healthcare expenses.
These conditions cause 23,000 deaths in New York City alone each year - more than 800,000 nationwide - and cost Americans billions in healthcare expenses.
As a result, Bangladeshi citizens are responsible for 96.8% of their total healthcare expenses.
A similar Hewitt Associates analysis also reports overall out of pocket healthcare expenses have risen from $1,576 to $1,707 over the same period.
Almost one quarter of all federal spending right now is on healthcare expenses related to Medicare and Medicaid.
He has been a consistent advocate for offering tax credits for healthcare expenses.