In fact, studies have shown that income-related inequality in healthcare expenditures favors the wealthy to a greater degree in the United States than most other Western nations.
This amount accounts for approximately 0.5% of the country's total healthcare expenditures of RMB 866 billion during the same period.
As previously stated, public spending on healthcare remains low; public spending in 2004 accounted for only 17% of total healthcare expenditure while out-of-pocket expenses reached 53.6%.
In 2009, annual healthcare related expenditures reached 20.6 billion kuna (€2.75 billion).
Projected healthcare expenditures for 2013 amount to 4.1 per cent of GDP.
In addition, the OECD charts - and a lot of similar data - on healthcare expenditures are not really reference-able, as they are not always weighted.
Some of the basic healthcare expenditures covered by an HSA include...
It finances most of the healthcare expenditures.
I read today, with regard to REACH, the amount by which we could reduce healthcare expenditure if we managed to improve this situation.
Researchers from The Netherlands systematically reviewed 31 papers published 2007-2009 and determined that the evidence that disease management programs for four diseases reduce healthcare expenditures is "inconclusive."