But if the employee does not make any claims, that money can go toward health-related expenses such as eyeglasses.
It allows you to put aside money from your paycheck before it is taxed to pay health-related expenses that aren't covered by your insurance.
They could withdraw money tax free for some health-related expenses that once cost them after-tax dollars.
Even though many senior citizens want to keep their homes until they die, many sell, mostly to cover health-related expenses.
Health insurance plans rarely cover any and all health-related expenses; for insured people, the gap between insurance coverage and the affordability of health care manifests as medical debt.
To the Editor: State government tort suits against the tobacco industry have been widely lauded as a means to indemnify the public treasury for health-related expenses caused by smoking.
But Governor Pataki has advocated using most of the tobacco money to help reduce state debt, and spending only about $100 million a year on health-related expenses.
He doesn't have many health-related expenses.
Children who grow up poor cost the economy $500 billion a year because they are less productive, earn less money, commit more crimes and have more health-related expenses, according to a study released on Wednesday.
In June 1997, he encouraged the Canadian federal and provincial governments to pool their resources in a class action lawsuit against tobacco companies for health-related expenses (18 June 1997)