Drug manufacturers, giant hospital corporations and health-insurance companies competed day and night to provide ever happier endings.
After all, measuring risk, and setting prices accordingly, is the raison d'être of a health-insurance company.
It includes sensible, small-scale proposals such as requiring health-insurance companies to offer kids-only policies.
Many people who choose to be tested don't want their health-insurance companies to find out.
The amendment being offered on the Republican side is an effort to take away from 123 million Americans the right to hold health-insurance companies accountable.
Most people are stunned to know that you can't take a health-insurance company to court.
Since 1974, a Federal law has protected health-insurance companies from being sued.
Said you could take the health-insurance company in court for certain insured people in Texas.
And last year, business groups, led by health-insurance companies, poured about $4 million into advertisements attacking him.
"Importantly, this management comes from health-insurance companies in which managed care was developed and flourished."