Congress is sure to make major changes but is likely to pass comprehensive health-care legislation before the end of next year.
Groups spend over fifty million dollars pushing for health-care legislation.
Recent discussions have ranged from computer software to health-care legislation.
After sweeping health-care legislation failed in 1994, the word in Washington was that incremental reform might be possible.
The action and justice being discussed was a major piece of health-care legislation bogged down in the Illinois Legislature.
As a result of the new delays by the Administration, Congress is highly unlikely to pass comprehensive health-care legislation this year.
For the moment, the Administration appears to be focusing more on the politics than the substantive details of health-care legislation.
But in view of the complexity of health-care legislation, he said, "it would be extremely difficult to get it done this year."
The First Lady promised aggressive action to get comprehensive health-care legislation enacted this year.
And they fit in at the heart of the President Clinton's proposed health-care legislation.