The medical costs paid by workers' compensation and automobile insurers have been rising even faster than health-care expenses in general.
The plans offer employers a chance to limit health-care expenses.
Another is to make all personal health-care expenses tax-deductible without the 3 percent threshold.
For the average wage earner, it translates into at least a 30% savings on your health-care expenses.
It then quickly ran into cash flow problems with unexpected pension and health-care expenses.
Their average age is 36 and maternity care has been the company's principal health-care expense.
A large number of the country's housing foreclosures in recent years appear to be related to medical problems and health-care expenses.
More than $70 billion a year in unnecessary health-care expenses is the price tag.
The measure would also allow households to place money, tax free, in medical savings accounts, to use for health-care expenses.
The background is the recent surge in health-care expenses.