Norman Cooper, 61, president and chief executive of the health-care agency, was named to succeed Mr. Kallir as chairman.
Child Care will act as the liaison between the companies and the health-care agencies, and will also conduct regular evaluations of the program.
In those situations, health care is provided by an outside licensed health-care agency and the housing is not under state supervision.
Moore's original plan for Sicko was to stage ten 'stunts' like the mock funeral in front of health-care agencies, but eventually decided to scrap the idea.
But the health-care agency continues to finance programs that provide institutional care to the exclusion of home services, even though personal care has proved less costly.
School Health Clinics But in a few schools, more comprehensive medical care is available through partnerships with local health-care agencies.
Congress has also told the health-care agency to expand the list of managed-care alternatives available to enrollees, a complicated task even with adequate resources.
Local government home health-care agencies, offer many of the same services as the others, plus such extras as health education and preventive services.
That would rank it first among the 74 health-care agencies monitored by the journal.
I haven't had a chance to check out the personnel files of hospitals and health-care agencies in a big way, but I'm working on it.