Specific tracks also focus on Native American health professional workforce.
It consists of three summits, the first of which was held in November 2007, and focused on the health workforce.
The report laid out a ten-year action plan for building national health workforces through better training, recruitment and management processes.
Students gain valuable insight, experience, and skills that contribute to their success in the public health workforce.
One estimate reported allied health professionals make up 60 percent of the total health workforce.
To enhance the knowledge and skills of the public health workforce through continuing education and technical assistance.
The organization has published tools for monitoring the capacity of national health systems and health workforces.
As the European population gets older, so does its health workforce, and there are insufficient new recruits coming through to replace those who leave.
We have to face the challenge of an ageing population, and this will put even more pressure on the European health workforce.