Immigration records show that he was medically cleared in the United States by public health physicians.
It is the standard-setting organisation for family planning and sexual health physicians in the United Kingdom.
Milton Terris (1915-2002) was an American public health physician and epidemiologist.
Farrukhi is associated with an international organization as a public health physician in Karachi.
In 1984 she began her career as a public health physician in Wales.
She is an American public health physician, a pediatrician and an epidemiologist.
May 26 - Sir George Newman (born 1870), English public health physician.
Norbert Hirschhorn served for nearly five decades as an international public health physician.
October 23 - George Newman (died 1948), English public health physician.
You could hire 100 public health physicians for some 15 years for $148 million.