Seventy percent of the health directors said their staff had little or no expertise in using online services and data.
In one of those strange twists you could not make up, he became the county's health director in 1999.
Hudson Birden, the city's health director, said he would be surprised if any cases turned up at the high school.
The articulate former health director of Arkansas looked like just the person to talk sense to the nation's adolescents.
In 1986, the year before she became the state's health director, Arkansas recorded 8,874 pregnancies of females 19 and younger.
Perhaps he has had to visit the health director, at his home.
Perhaps I can get in touch with the health director.
Norway went through many reforms during his time as health director.
He remained health director until his death in October 1992.
The county's own mental health directors were not told about Sunrise.