Our visit confirmed what other international relief workers and medical experts have reported: the way to end Iraq's public health catastrophe is to lift the sanctions.
AIDS may be the health catastrophe of our lifetime.
Has Chernobyl turned out to be the health catastrophe that anti-nuclear campaigners claim?
It works by sharing the risk of a major health catastrophe by pooling the risks across many households.
But these small plans are extremely susceptible to insolvency when faced with an epidemic or other health catastrophe that might befall an entire community.
"There was no health catastrophe because of our efforts."
But that would likely produce a surge of new addiction - and a health catastrophe.
Winslade sees the epidemic of traumatic brain injury as a public health catastrophe.
AIDS is not only a health catastrophe, a challenge to medical science.
If drugs kill one in several thousand per year, this would be a public health catastrophe.