The White House committee has said that post-traumatic stress may be responsible for many of the health ailments reported by the veterans.
Rogers, at age 68, had been suffering from several health ailments in the last months of his life.
Because of the health ailments of his other two brothers, elder Utd.
During her life, Hyland suffered from several health ailments.
As a result of numerous health ailments and operations, Wynette became dependent on painkillers in the late 1970s.
"We feel this approach would eliminate 75 percent of pollutants people claim lead to health ailments."
Mothers who receive late or no prenatal care are more likely to give birth to babies with health ailments.
Dilip was suffering from health ailment for the last few years of his life.
Certain mushrooms, especially polypores like Reishi were thought to be able to benefit a wide variety of health ailments.
Members of the breed suffer from a wide variety of health ailments including problems with their hearts, eyes and ears.