Claudia meets some of the first trainee mental health advisers.
She had earlier been a senior health adviser to Al Gore when he was the vice president.
If you can, try and go together to the clinic where either you or he had the test and ask to see the health adviser.
Twenty years later, in 2008, he was senior health adviser to the Obama campaign.
I am not a medical doctor or a health adviser but the problem of hydrogen sulfide in sewage is a well known one.
That means her top health advisers may legally continue to hide their work from public inspection.
Cameron says he was surprised to read the story in the Observer describing Britnell as his health adviser.
The nine women and one man are employed as occupational health advisers to the Metropolitan Police.
Isn't that - not to go too far - but a bit like being a public health adviser to a tobacco company?
Red meat lovers have been warned to cut down their intake by the government's health advisers.