There he formed many friendships and became enthralled with the heady intellectual atmosphere.
Captivated by the heady atmosphere, she and Johnson moved to the city.
If only they could bring the same heady atmosphere.
In the heady religious atmosphere of the place, Helene appears to have the magical ability to manifest herself as other people.
Not that a little lunacy would have been noticeable in such a heady atmosphere.
These are political sights, worth looking in on even if you don't speak Czech, just to breathe in the heady atmosphere.
Yet nobody, in the heady atmosphere of the moment, saw this oversight as more than a temporary condition.
The main thoroughfare, the Canebière, will give you a taste of the city's heady atmosphere.
This was the future that should have arrived by now, as prophesied in the heady atmosphere of the Apollo 11 triumph.
She needed him, and it wasn't the heady atmosphere of the club or the demands of the moon.