It was supposed to relieve the congestion in the main headquarters tower .
In 1989, a 24-story corporate headquarters tower was built just north of downtown Phoenix for $83 million.
New management approaches abound: Walls have fallen within its 57-story headquarters tower, the better to promote cross-pollinating conversations.
Hurriedly I ran towards the headquarters tower, certain that they must have seen the mysterious ship by now.
Sears, Roebuck & Company may not sell its headquarters tower here after all, the company said today.
But inside the headquarters tower here, where Target's decisions are made, no one is about to relax.
In 1999, Carolina Power & Light announced plans for a new headquarters tower.
The company is scheduled to announce this week plans for a $500 million development in Atlanta to include another regional headquarters tower and a hotel.
Sears's chairman said the headquarters tower in Chicago might not be sold after all.
The bank has already started to move back into its headquarters tower at 1 Wall Street.