The emptied headquarters complex was to be finished in time for the organization to move back in by 2010.
The headquarters complex was also unchanged, not that Alucius had expected much change in two years.
But the headquarters complex is much-nicer-than the hostel.
As proposed, the association's headquarters complex will span three blocks running west from Michigan Avenue to State Street.
There was a flash and a loud roar from the headquarters complex over at one side of the spaceport field.
One of the rooms in the single-story, concrete headquarters complex had a sign that read "Chemical" outside the door.
The headquarters complex has been cited as a prototype for modern suburban office development.
Lichtenberg was also the site of the extensive headquarters complex of the Stasi, the East German intelligence service.
A new headquarters complex was built in Riyadh in the early 1980s.
A new headquarters complex was completed in 2007 and supports over 4,000 employees.