This incarnation nearly identical to the original MPC60, merely featuring a headphone output, and a plastic chassis instead of a metal one.
Lacking from the camcorder is an optical viewfinder, headphone output, focus ring and full manual mode.
Both versions feature a stereo output, headphone output and a USB port for computer control and firmware updates.
Basically, you can link the RP50 up to the headphone output of a cassette player or CD equipped with the appropriate mini-jack.
The Alpha and Tau also have 12 percussion keys each, a second ribbon controller, and headphone output.
To decode PSK31, the received audio whistle from the transceiver's headphone output is fed into the sound card's audio input, and the software decodes it.
It consists of a practice mute with a built-in microphone and 8th inch jack, which connects to a pocket amplifier with volume control and headphone output.
It had a four-line fluorescent display with line stereo RCA and 3.5" headphone outputs.
They usually include headphone output.
Most digital pianos incorporate headphone output.