She didn't answer, busying herself with the headlight switch as I got out.
On one occasion at night I was unable to locate headlight switches.
Suddenly Ed lunged across the seat and slapped the headlight switch.
Too fast to focus on the shoulder of the road now - I reach forward and flip the headlight switch just for safety.
The headlight switch, windshield wipers, everything is in a different place.
"Get on the horn," he ordered as he reached for the headlight switch.
He got behind the wheel, started his car, and was reaching for the headlight switch when a horrible thought struck him.
Rick hung on, and Cody hit the headlight switch.
Moving his arms against the pressure, he felt across the dashboard until he thought he had found the headlight switch.
Only then did Suvorov's fumbling hand find the headlight switch and pull it on.