The Subaru BRZ differs from the 86's design in the front fascia, with a different grill and headlight assembly.
Also housed in the headlight assemblies were a series of LEDs that would blink in sequence for turn indication.
Most recent versions simplified the windshield into 2 panes only, replaced headlight assemblies with individual projector lamps, and consolidated the driver console.
Most notably, the headlight assembly on the Compact models differ greatly from either coupe, sedan/touring models.
It's behind the headlight assembly rather than under the dash.
Even where the specialty lights are not yet in use, headlight assemblies themselves have been changed significantly.
The front rack also served as a mounting for the new headlight assembly which was operated by an axle-mounted dynamo on the front wheel.
Because of the bikini fairing, the headlight assembly is slightly different between the two models.
Instead of a wire element, their bulbs contain xenon gas, which is ignited by a transformer box outside the headlight assembly.
The branch wasn't sticking into my radiator, just wedged beneath the headlight assembly.