"Instead of regarding females as headless horses, now males are regarded as headless horses."
On the ridge behind the hacienda, the statue of the headless horse loomed eerie and menacing against the low, scudding clouds.
Beyond the arroyo, which was now a raging creek, the statue of the headless horse stood out clearly on its high ridge!
Reaching the top of the ridge, they all looked at the headless horse with its bearded wooden rider proudly staring out over the Alvaro land.
It came off in his hands with a ripping of nails, and as it hit the side of the headless horse it clanged!
He, to all appearances, was a phantom riding a headless horse.
You now have two headless horses.
Audacity also applies to the headless horse and to the Irish woman.
Eventually two local schmucks happen by and tell the confused trio that they must have imagined the headless horse.
He dropped the headless horse and pulled his bones into line.