One headhunting firm estimated that India would need 40,000 cabin crew staff members in the next three to four years to meet the demand.
To lure experienced people from one job to the next, headhunting firms - unknown in Communist days - have multiplied.
She soon had her own headhunting firm and a social schedule filled with launching parties for one startup after another.
But he also hired some outside professionals to help him build an administration: Isaacson, Miller, a headhunting firm.
Reynolds wanted new consultants from business schools and commerce or industry, not from other headhunting firms.
In addition to the traditional British company using headhunting firms, the financial services community (always a large user of executive search) was pulling even more strongly.
How did the companies first come across the headhunting firms they employed?
What is the relationship between companies' use of large international headhunting firms compared with smaller, specialised consultancies?
A headhunting firm will typically charge a fee at least equivalent to this salary.
She moved back with her parents and went to a headhunting firm, but found she wasn't treated like a Yalie.