I maxed @ 60mg per night with increments every week because the targeted headache persisted.
"If these headaches persist much longer I'll be sure to go crazy," Hill complained, putting his hand flat on his forehead.
The headache typically persists for several days.
This usually occurs after 12 weeks, but if headaches persist, get your blood pressure checked.
See a health care provider if the headache persists or recurs.
If the headaches persisted, the neurologist continued, he should come back and they would reconsider the possibility of a spinal-fluid leak.
But other headaches persist - quotidian problems like securing permits or office space.
Contact your health care provider if the headache persists.
If the headache persists, she has to be hospitalized, which can happen as often as several times a month.
His headache persisted, the kind which one awoke with and endured for the remainder of the day.