Somewhere at the back of his skull, a little headache was growing.
Her headache grew so bad that she thought her head must surely burst!
His headache grew worse, but the involvement of Romulans on Raknal V changed everything.
The terrible headaches and periods of amnesia grew to be things of the past, and the strength returned to his right arm.
The headache was growing and her stomach growled.
This can put candidates in an awkward position, and with the advent of 527 groups, the headache can grow even larger.
His head began to throb again, the headache growing worse with every passing heartbeat.
Alone, and the headache was growing worse, worse than it had ever been in her life.
The greatest blessing is that each day Tommo grows stronger, and his headaches have grown less severe, sometimes vanishing altogether for an hour or two.
By the time she reached her house, Kerri's headache had grown to astounding proportions.