They sank together into the blood warm water with only their heads, wreathed in leaves, above the surface.
Gahnfeld stared out into the waste, his head wreathed in exhaled fog.
Eventually he found Marilyn, walking with Zanna in one of the upper courtyards, their heads wreathed in ice fog.
In one, the composer stands on a balcony overlooking the Danube, his big, brooding head wreathed by musical notes.
Dionysus was being drawn in a goat cart, his head wreathed with grape vines.
He could make out the line of mammoths behind him, robust stocky forms laboring across the ice, their heads wreathed in steam.
Marek, sprawled to one side, panted like a dog, his head wreathed in pluming vapor.
Gone are the gaunt, whey-faced existentialists, their shaggy heads wreathed in cigarette smoke.
He was pushed forward, his head wreathed in a posy of flowers and a willow wand in his paw.
Your head, wreathed with great memories.