Aleksandr Podolny, who heads the local chapter of the Ukrainian national movement Rukh, said the referendum was just the latest phase of an anti-Ukrainian campaign in the Crimea.
Joseph Duff, who heads the local chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., also said the award seemed fair.
Every collegiate chapter must have a faculty or staff member on staff at the university to head the chapter.
Albert Markovski (Schwartzman) is a young man who heads the local chapter of an environmental group, the "Open Spaces Coalition."
"This approach is extreme and untested," said Sharon Galbreath, who heads the local chapter of the Sierra Club.
Dobson heads the final chapter of his study of Anglo-American economic relations,"Terminal Decline?
The profession remains largely white, and she is the first African-American to head the chapter.
Single Mothers by Choice, a network of support groups, has a Long Island branch with 50 members, according to Ms. Morrissey, who heads the four-year-old chapter.
In 2012 McGuinty was elected to head the Canadian chapter of an international alliance of lawmakers, Globe International, that presses governments to address global environment and economy challenges.
She read the chronology heading the first chapter.