"Sometimes, that makes our white students uncomfortable," said Francis Bradley, assistant head of school and director of studies.
The eight- person craft was ready for takeoff even as the heads of the biomedical science, planetary studies, xenoanthropology, and engineering departments took their seats.
Tim Tuohy, the head of planetary studies, helped Gomp get his hooves beneath him.
The head of centre and studies is professor Peter Bro.
She became the head of vocal studies there in 1984, where she taught until 1990.
Dr. David Sikkink was the head of quantitative studies.
In 1965, he became the first head of studies in history of Quebec's newly created Education Ministry.
In that context, she was head of graduate studies in hospital administration at St. Vincent's for 15 years, starting in 1945.
In 1902 Serbsky became a professor extraordinary and the head of psychiatric studies at Moscow University.
In his two decades as head of black studies, Dr. Jeffries became a major power on campus and to many, a major embarrassment.