She left that position to become the head of regional planning in Koblenz.
After the first year, a senior management team will be in place, he added, including a general manager, a creative director and a head of planning.
That title probably goes to Chen Yun, the 85-year-old head of central planning, who has not been seen in public for more than a year.
Jerry Rounds's official job was as head of strategic planning for The Campus's white side.
For the last several years, he has been head of strategic planning.
She is being replaced by Max Blackston, who will be head of research and planning.
Then, from 1981 to 1983, he was head of strategic planning at Kidder, Peabody.
The orchestra's current head of artistic planning is Geoffrey Owen.
"There was an almost instinctive reaction that we wanted to go into the computer business," said John Segall, head of strategic planning.