He won via KO due to a head kick in the opening seconds of the third round.
Becca was one of the few people in the class who could even attempt a head kick with any hope of success.
In the second minute of the first round, Kong knocked his opponent out with a vicious right head kick.
Edwards wins by knockout (head kick) at 4:31 of round one.
Hamill came out with an immediate head kick in the second, but Jackson easily answered with strikes.
A head kick then put Diaz on the ground, and another leg kick did the same.
Sylvia wins by knockout (head kick) at 4:59 of round one.
Osipczak defeated Miller via a second round knockout from a head kick.
He survived an early scare in round one after getting hit with a head kick.
He won the fight via first round KO, with a head kick followed by punches.