The heads caused the data on the cartridge to become misaligned, rendering it unreadable.
He had supposedly been involved in plans to assassinate heads of state or foment causes to bring about democratic reform.
This has the effect of widening the head, which exerts sideways pressure on the existing crack, causing it to propagate forward.
Sometimes founding heads can cause an unhealthy situation if they stay too long and there's a cult of personality around them.
- 2 months ago I read where doctors were worried her enormous head was causing her to have serious neck and back problems.
Because of this notorious character trait, he and Red often bump heads causing rifts within the ranger unit.
If my head does not explode before nightfall and cause my brains to rain down on the books, I shall be very surprised.
Two years ago, a 14-year-old driving illegally crashed into the Army captain's car, damaging his head enough to cause a coma.
Something about his bowed head caused Murilo to watch him sharply.