Just look at overall carbon emissions (not per country) and see where the trends are heading, along with the trajectory of climate change.
He half-turned, to head along with me.
Rosalie F. Rivenbark now heads the organization along with four other members on the board of directors.
This will head back to Earth along with the rest of the data on grendels.
The market made its lows before noon, then headed higher along with the wheat market.
The event was summarised under the "Football" heading along with association football.
They headed to the nearest lock along with a fire team following the same path.
The president called his chief safety officer and told him to head in, along with the firm's senior test pilot.
Some oil stocks have been heading higher, along with the price of crude oil.
So the next week, when schools were closed for spring break, a friend and I headed for Hakone along with thousands of others.