It was a long, lonely walk to the Mall Entrance, and an even longer walk outdoors into the hazy sunshine.
The bright hazy sunshine made his eyes water, and he stopped to wipe them.
This morning, the dream vanishes as the forecast is for 32C heat and no storms - just 40mph winds and hazy sunshine.
Secca shifted her weight in the saddle, glad for the morning's sunshine; hazy as it was.
For three days we made our way up this tunnel of hazy green sunshine.
People attend opening ceremonies bareheaded, wearing light jackets, in hazy sunshine.
But for a moment he did nothing - simply stood there in hazy sunshine by the driver's door, head down, the baby cradled in his arms.
He opened the door and stepped out into the hazy sunshine.
Mornings were often cool, but with hazy sunshine breaking through by midday.
It was already warm when she got up in the morning, with a hazy sunshine which dimmed the blue sky.