He sighed, picked up his sports jacket and hurried out into the hazy darkness.
The moon was a pale sliver floating in the hazy darkness.
Joe had only a moment to notice that the doorframe seemed filled with a hazy darkness- Then, before he could stop, his momentum took him through.
Alucius decided and concentrated on reaching out of the hazy darkness, to bring himself back into the world of light through the amber.
The sun had set and the stars were coming out in the hazy darkness of the sky... but stars they did not know.
Against his will, hazy darkness drew in around the faces.
For some reason the hazy darkness reminded Radkowski of his last night in Africa.
Shimmering beams of phaser energy crisscrossed in the hazy darkness.
The room was small and in half-shadow, its edges merged in hazy darkness.
She opened her eyes, staring up at the tent beyond the hazy darkness, the grayness.