It was raining and I didn't want to get behind the wheel of a car worth two hundred thousand dollars in hazardous weather.
Due to the hazardous weather, it was almost impossible to keep formations together, but missions were accomplished.
"You can get closer to water and land or fly in hazardous weather."
A watch means that hazardous weather is possible.
There was evidence the crew decided to continue the flight despite the hazardous weather ahead, apparently due to pressures related to meeting the holiday schedule.
Employees are responsible for their own safety in traveling to and from work during hazardous weather.
There are inherent dangers involved in pursuing hazardous weather.
Advisories may also be issued for potentially hazardous weather in the long term forecast.
However the McCall was unable to make it in because of hazardous weather.
A watch means that hazardous weather is possible, but not imminent.