The Sentinel space observatory, a satellite in Venusian orbit which will scout for hazardous asteroids.
In this week's Nature, an international team of scientists describe the likely structure of potentially hazardous asteroids.
It is a potentially hazardous asteroid as its orbit crosses that of Earth.
Arecibo saves us from another potentially hazardous asteroid (Emily Lakdawalla Apr. 29, 2010)
More specifically, to search for potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs), that may pose a threat of impact.
It has an Apollo type orbit and is classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA).
It is also one of the best studied potentially hazardous asteroids.
NEOWISE data estimates that there are 4,700 1,500 potentially hazardous asteroids with a diameter greater than 100 meters.
It is classified as a near-Earth asteroid and a potentially hazardous asteroid.
Measure the Yarkovsky effect (a thermal force on the object) on a potentially hazardous asteroid and constrain the asteroid properties that contribute to this effect.