A handsome face, however, aristocratic with its hawkish profile.
When they likened the fugitive's face to a hawkish profile, the cab driver nodded.
It was a hawkish profile, topped by a slouch hat, in miniature.
Even the hawkish profile was discernible, as the black form turned.
His features showed dimly; they made a thin hawkish profile.
As Cranston turned away, the clerk noted his hawkish profile and decided that it was the mark of a distinguished visitor.
His features, with their hawkish profile, produced a masklike effect.
Zammit studied the hawkish profile, saw the gleam in the brown eyes, and knew he'd seen this before.
There, like a living shape, rested a hawkish, hatted profile.
It was a hawkish profile, topped by the outline of a slouch hat.