Typically less educated, they work longer hours and transport three times as much weight as men, hauling firewood, water and sacks of corn on their heads.
People who buy wrapping paper in January or haul sacks of department store loot home the day after Thanksgiving?
Convoys of pickup trucks with signature black Shiite flags flapping from their bumpers hauled sacks of grain, flour, sugar and rice into Sunni mosques.
Mr. Brouchet, with a young helper, was hauling sacks of fresh oysters from his flat-bottom oyster boat.
It is a long trek, made all the worse by having to haul sacks of the fruit in the hot sun.
"Hard work today," Ceorl remarked, as if he'd been hauling sacks of grain or chopping wood.
Men and women from the town hauled sacks across the bridges in four-horse wagons and one-horse carts even barrows pushed by hand.
I hauled some sacks of dried corn cobs back from Agway, and arranged them on cute little squirrel feeders all around the yard.
Going back to Gallup freight wagons hauled huge sacks of wool.
Too weak to haul heavy sacks of plaster or perform other arduous tasks, the newcomer soon replaces Latif, who resents losing his relatively easy job.