Towboats hauled lines of barges loaded deep.
They quickly spread and regularly hauled freight and passenger services on all main lines.
The sails depart from the Baltic Sea port of Warnemünde, Germany, during which crew members give instruction for anyone who wants to haul lines or grind on the winches.
The group continually hauled food, clothing, medicine, gasoline, ordnance equipment, and other supplies to the front lines and evacuated patients to rear-zone hospitals when not engaged in airborne operations.
Teen-agers become part of the crew of the Seaport's 62-foot schooner Brilliant, taking turns hauling lines, setting sail, steering the boat and standing watch.
The group also hauled food, clothing, medicine, gasoline, ordnance equipment, and other supplies to the front lines and evacuated patients to rear zone hospitals.
By the 1870s they were one of the few significant horse hauled lines left in the country.