Dwer planted his feet and hauled backward, drawing her through a dark, fetid funnel.
Croaker used his right hand to grab Bennie by the back of his shirt collar, hauling backward.
Brody reeled - leaning forward and cranking quickly as he picked up slack, hauling backward with the muscles in his shoulders and back.
He strained to grip the dead corpse's collar, hauling backward until it lay partially on top of him, back bowed, arms trailing on the floor.
She was picked up unceremoniously and hauled backward at the exact instant that a spray of bullets littered the gravel where she had lain.
While the soundbug had all its attention on the confining cable, Carp hauled backward and dragged the struggling creature over the edge of the bank into the fast-flowing stream.
Then something grabbed my neck and hauled backward.
Exhaustion swept over me, leaving me trembling and unable to haul backward on the serpent anymore.
She hauled backward, and Lorenzo disappeared through the window with a wild leap.