The next day, the Palestine Liberation Organization called the assassination "a vicious and hateful act of international terrorism."
All three people died for different reasons, if it is not absurd to associate the word reason with the hateful and cowardly acts which killed them.
It's profoundly undemocratic, elitist, and hateful act; only a political idiot could imagine that a crime of this nature would do a minute's worth of real good.
Free Exchange of Ideas' While voicing distress at "hateful acts, hateful words," Mrs. Clinton warned her audience to avoid censorship.
Offensive speech is too often conflated with hateful acts.
You admit that this hateful act was an attempt to destroy the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!
These hateful acts will not be tolerated at U.C.I., and I've asked the vice chancellor of student affairs to give his immediate attention to this situation.
He could have done it a few minutes earlier, but to invade a woman's privacy while nude and bathing would have been a hateful act, and she wasn't going anywhere.
It's a hateful and nauseating act of violence, but when you come down to it, it isn't important.
It is a hateful act that violates human rights and the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.