Mr. Rice, who was already serving an 11-year sentence for attacking a woman, implicated himself by statements that he "hates gays" and preys on women "because they are more vulnerable than men."
The Sun has historically been the homophobic tabloid, the one that hated gays, and now they've completely flip-flopped.
I thought all you macho types were supposed to hate gays.
Remember don't look at your paycheck, we republicans love God and guns and hate gays, unions and immigrants.
Unfortunately, Romney gets painted as a centrist and a moderate because he can't make up his mind about how much he hates gays and loves foetuses.
If God hates gays so much why doesn't he just prevent them being born and eliminate the 'problem' at source instead of just getting his followers to be sh*ts to them?
In recent weeks, Mr. Jordan and his staff have warned campaign volunteers that they are unwelcome if they "hate gays, hate blacks or Asians or anyone else."
"I hated gays because that's what I was," he said.