Genetic analysis of the steelhead in the Santa Clara River watershed has shown them to be of native and not hatchery stocks.
The hatchery stocks over 3.5 million trout and salmon each year in the surrounding areas.
A genetics study of San Francisquito Creek steelhead in 1996 found that the fish are native and not of hatchery stock.
Recent genetic analysis has shown that the San Tomas Aquino watershed trout are of native origin and not hatchery stock.
Genetic analysis of the steelhead in all four of these watersheds has shown them to be of native and not hatchery stocks.
This facility has been successful enough that there is concern that salmon of hatchery stock is outcompeting remaining wild salmon in the Feather River system.
Recent genetic analysis has shown that the surviving rainbow trout are of native origin and not hatchery stock.
Genetic analysis of the steelhead show them to be of native and not hatchery stocks.
Recent genetic analysis of the steelhead in Matilija Creek (both above and below Matilija Dam) has shown them to be of native and not hatchery stocks.
In some cases hatchery fish are almost identical genetically to their wild cousins, but many times hatchery stock bears little resemblance to the native fish.